Building an empire doesn't happen overnight. Creating content on Instagram and TikTok has been my outlet for connecting directly with other actors — and always keep things real. Get the REAL real on my social media.
Growing up and watching TV, I felt in my bones that acting was what I was supposed to do. ...but not everyone held that vision. I'll never forget playing on the playground with one of my best friends and first telling her of my dream to be an actor. The first response I got was, "well, that's really hard," following by: "Nobody on TV looks like you." Hearing that made me question if this career path was even possible for me.
Instead, I ended up using that limitation as a catalyst to prove that this career was possible for me (and those who looked like me). I researched and looked up to actors that looked like me. I found the people who understood me by joining my High School Drama Club and, from there, my leadership abilities took hold as I quickly became President of the Drama Club in both my high school and, again, in college. Nothing was going to stop me — and nothing has.
My journey has led me to where I am today and your journey has led you here.
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